How Much Fun Did I Have At Jake's Birthday Party?
...I had so much fun that I managed to misplace my digital camera in not one, but TWO separate locations. Thankfully, in the last case, the wonderful and honest staff of Dennys at the corner of Sunset and Gower turned my camera into the lost and found and I got it back. After having something like a thousand dollars worth of my stuff stolen since I got to Los Angeles, it was refreshing and unexpected to actually have something returned to me.
Lessons Learned:
1. Don't bring expensive camera to party where drinking will take place.
2. Don't sing karaoke unless I know the lyrics really well, esepcially if drinking will take place.
3. Dennys' new "Country Scrambler" may very well be the most delicious thing on the face of this Earth, or at the very least, west of the "Waffle House" line.

In this, the Gayest Picture Ever, Jake and Guillermo perform a duet.

Oh no wait, I'm sorry, THIS is the gayest picture ever. A few minutes later, Jake, too, would learn a lesson about not drinking so much that you puke and have to leave your own party early.
All this, and I had time to write a recap, too!
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