
As Promised: Too Hot for TWoP

The computer is working pretty well again, although I have no idea why. I turned it off for a few days to give it time to think about what it had done and then when I turned it on, the battery charged easily and it stopped randomly shutting down. Hooray!

Share in my happiness by watching the video that TWoP said "wasn't what we were looking for" in a "man on the street" piece and was also "an insurance risk." Since they won't put it up on their site, I'll put it up on mine -- with all references to the site cleverly removed. djb filmed and edited the piece and did an awesome job making me as un-annoying as possible, which is no easy task. Hope you like it!


You Can Read Me Everywhere But Here!

I did a guest blog over at Trashionista the other day -- go check it out, especially if you're an Enid Blyton fan.

I've also updated the "Read Me" section of the sidebar. Now there's links to Soap Opera Digest and Ugo.com, where I've been updating the TV Blog three times a day since last week. Meanwhile, you're lucky if I can update this blog three times a month. What can I say? One pays and the other doesn't. Also, the world of TV is much more exciting than the world of me.

And, of course, you can still read me at Television Without Pity, if you can find the recaps on the redesigned site. They seem to have been pushed to the bottom while new content like the video gets the spotlight. I actually did a video for TWoP but they said it was "too much of an insurance risk" to put on the site. Hee hee hee. I'm so badass. I'll put the video up here as soon as I can figure out how to do it and my computer stops randomly shutting down while I'm in mid


Short Update

My laptop is breaking down slowly but surely. I had the same problem with my last iBook, where the logicboard goes bad and somehow this makes it so I can't charge the battery. I'll plug it in and the little battery/plug icon will toggle on and off. I got this laptop from a friend to replace my ibook that died after a little more than one year because I couldn't afford to replace the logicboard or send the computer away for the repair and not have a computer for two to four weeks. And now it looks like I'm faced with the same choice here. I don't want to put $300 worth of repairs into a 3 year old iBook but I can't afford a new Macbook either. And if I could, I want to wait for the next redesign (I'm thinking the next ones will be aluminum, be 25% faster, and will be released in June). I don't know what to do, but I have a bad feeling it's going to involve me and a cheap PC craptop. Although, given Apple's track record with me (3 laptops: 1 stolen [not Apple's fault] and 2 with logicboard failures [entirely Apple's fault and has been the subject of class action lawsuits]), maybe going back to a PC isn't such a bad idea.

Enough complaining! This entry is supposed to be plugging my latest article in Soap Opera Digest, on stands this week!!!!! I'd include a picture of it but my battery meter just turned red.