
I Am Fast And Loose

I'll be in two plays this weekend, although I couldn't tell you what part I'll have in them or what the plays will be about. That's because Fast and Loose is a show where eight plays are written and staged in twenty-four hours. I'm doing both nights, and rest assured that both plays will be stellar simply because of the presence of me in them. Honestly, I wrote something for this last year and was amazed by what the actors and director did with my play, as well as the seven other plays performed that night. It's impressive, and fun, and if you don't go to at least one of the nights then you're not my friend anymore. Ha!

Pertinent info:

Fast and Loose -- July 21 and 22 at 8 pm.

Sacred Fools Theater
660 N. Heliotrope Dr., Los Angeles.

Tickets: $10.

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